@goat wait what? how is that possible? firefox is servo right?
@TheEnbyperor @goat it's transitioning to eventually I think, but it's still not Chromium right now. They're using gecko still afaik, but their css renderer is servo-based and they're moving their tech over to webrender (GPU based web rendering) too. The whole project is called Quantum
@TheEnbyperor @goat see I love Firefox and I would use it, but I'm also enjoying using chrome to make web-apps on my laptop for all my services to reduce on separately installed apps. I have Discord, Twitter, Mastodon, Gmail, Fb messenger, Android messages, WhatsApp web, Microsoft Teams, Devhub.
It's all handy!
@TheEnbyperor @goat though I suppose I could move over to Firefox for general browsing π€
@TheEnbyperor @goat I have them run as separate web-apps. Firefox isn't capable of doing that yet for whatever reason and I get too lost amongst my tabs as it is :p