Twee's not dead boosted
Twee's not dead boosted

i just learned that some dudes have dicks, is this true???

Twee's not dead boosted

Web developers, please stop using inscrutable paths like /content?id=545653ee-1713-4a3a-88ae-1b8c855648d7/#!/?mode=4

Also, please use the HTML semantic elements. It's not hard, and they make it so much easier to work with the document if you happen to not be a human with working eyes.


Bisexual means you like humans AND furries @melissasage

Twee's not dead boosted

linux replyguys are a fucking scourge on this website

Twee's not dead boosted

me, from my single user instance: anyway everyone, i am so very sad to say that today, after thinking long and hard about it, i have decided to defederate from, as i simply feel i cannot trust their admin. their choice of operating system is disgusting, and i am sickened by it.

Twee's not dead boosted

a linux distro that's just a stealth windows 10 install

Twee's not dead boosted
Twee's not dead boosted

You can avoid #YouTube's weird algorithms and broken subscription system by subscribing to channels through RSS instead. You don't need an account, just a feed reader.

Put the channel's username in this address:

You can then add this RSS address to your feed reader app.

For example, OnePotChefShow's RSS feed is:

You can also make RSS feeds from channel IDs (strings of letters and numbers):

#RSS #BringBackRSS

Twee's not dead boosted

I've completely replaced Google Maps with the open source alternative OsmAnd (Open Street Maps).

I love that you can download maps for offline viewing and even mark places on the map. I've used it while travelling too.

Highly recommend!

#OpenSource #OsmAnd #OpenStreetMaps #GoogleMaps

Twee's not dead boosted

"subscribe to pewdiepie" carved into the holocaust memorial in NYC. really cool people. it's all jokes lol *sprays machine gun into a church* its just memes friend why so upset lmfao *guns down a bunch of people mourning*

Twee's not dead boosted
Twee's not dead boosted

Another nazi instance - admins should block/defederate Show more

Twee's not dead boosted

PewDiePie is 'sickened', but he's not going to turn down the subscribers he gets from an act of terrorism though, is he?

Kind of speaks for itself.

Twee's not dead boosted

Don't call them "racist memes". "Meme" subliminally reduces the seriousness.

They're Propaganda. We all know that term. Call that shit out.

Propaganda. Neo-nazi, right wing, Republican propaganda.


The thing about Beetlejuice is, Rick Moranis is not in it.


Ancient Domains of Developing the same game for over twenty years

Twee's not dead boosted
Twee's not dead boosted

Just got a new dog from the pound. Its name is Abaddon, the papers it came with said it was a "full-blooded terrier of destruction" and the shelter volunteers said they think its older than time. I don't actually remember taking it home and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die soon

Twee's not dead boosted

Enspiral has been experimenting with many kinds of tech co-ops over the last almost decade, and we've learned a lot along the way. Twelve of us have spent the last year finally pulling together all the stories, tools, and experiences and writing a book, called Better Work Together.

It's a mix of short essays, practical guides, and toolkits.

Show more

We are notbirdsite (aka not Twitter).

Largely dedicated to queer makers, whether you be a hardware/software developer, artist or writer. Strong emphasis on acceptance of LGBT identities, sex-work, body-positivity and anti-fascism (because oddly, in this day and age, it needs stating).

Though, as long as you abide by our rules, everyone is welcome!

We follow dzuk's list for instance-blocking:

For enquiries, please email: [email protected]